+93703 242 599 | +93788 84 98 98

Sat - Thu 8.00am - 4.00pm



SHAO is offering humanitarian services in education sector ever since it’s founding. SHAO support formal education by installing WASH facilities, distribution of hygiene kits, health awareness and capacity building trainings in education sector.

  • Community Based Schools (CBS): SHAO has been working in community based education to serve the children of those communities who don’t have access to formal education. Offering community based education was one of the key intervention area in Southern Afghanistan, when SHAO was founded. SHAO took advantage of the locally available funding opportunities by designing projects for nomadic population (Koochis) and the host community groups. The programing provided education facilities as well as improving the local civil society structures. SHAO is still an active partner in the sector of CBS establishment. SHAO provides the following services in the field of community based education:
    o Basic Literacy Classes (BLC): BLCs are organized for illiterate adults, especially women. The literacy/innumeracy classes are important for life skills training, technical and vocational training, health/hygiene, PSEA and nutrition 
    o Accelerated Learning Classes (ALC): ALCs are organized for those children who have missed formal education opportunity due to distance from schools at young ages. The ALCs help the out-of-school children to be re-absorber by formal education system into their age-specific levels to continue with education
    o School management shuras (SMS): SHAO invests in SMS capacity building to enable the sustainability of educational interventions and improving the quality of educational services. SMS are an important tool to ensure proper education delivery by teachers at CBS as well as formal schools
    • Teacher and Schools Management Trainings: SHAO supports community based schools as well as formal educational institutions through building the capacities of in-service teachers and administrative staff. Following trainings are provided to build the capacity of in-service educational staff:
    o INSET Trainings

There are various level of INSET trainings  that , cover the teaching methodologies, contents and other type of trainings required for teachers, so the following teaching methodology also should be removed
    o  Schools Management Trainings (SMTs)
    o  School Improvement Program (SIP)