+93703 242 599 | +93788 84 98 98

Sat - Thu 8.00am - 4.00pm

 Child Protection


Child Protection is an urgent requirement of humanitarian working sector in Afghanistan. SHAO has worked

  • Child friendly Spaces (CFS):  CFS is considered as the most primary response to meet the emergent child protection response after every emergency. SHAO has extensive experience in establishment, maintenance and functioning of CFS. CFS not only provides remedial measures for out-of-school children but also provides a platform for delivering different services such as PSS, MHPSS, immunization and nutritional support case management and case referral services.
  • Psycho-social First Aid (PFA) & Psycho-social Support Services (PSS):  SHAO is delivering PFA , PSS and MHPSS referral services as part of its CP projects. SHAO has sufficient experience, qualified staff and developed soft tools and materials in delivering these services. SHAO provides PFA training to teachers, social workers and community front-line workers to contribute to psycho-social well-being of children, especially those with different kinds of vulnerabilities.
  • Interim Care Services (ICC):  ICC is an undesirable solution for separated children. ICC services are only recommendable that there is an interim protection gap for minors, such as loss of family due to outbreaks and forced repatriations. Such situation was more prevalent during the COVID-19 outbreak in Afghanistan.. ICC is not recommended for more than 1 week for unaccompanied minors. It is an interim protection arrangement for the gap period before a proper durable solution is found. Food, clothing, healthcare check-up, recreational activities are offered to children during the ICC stay.
  • Unaccompanied Minors (UAMs):  UAMs are provided with awareness, clothing, PSS, MHPSS, referral to different required services before the re-unification. Reunification is provided through standard procedures of allocation and safe hand-over of children to their close blood-relatives. In case of failure in identification of close relatives, the children are admitted to the relevant service providing institutions such as orphanages.
  • Mine Risk Education (MRE):  SHAO provides MRE through community awareness sessions. The sessions are organized at schools, BHCs, community centers to sensitize children and adults against the risks of un-exploded ordinance (UXO), develop community coordination to cope with these risks and support the UXO survivors.
  • Distribution of protection kits:  SHAO is UNICEF IP in different sectors. SHAO has always volunteered to distributed UNICEF winterization kits, hygiene kits, dignity kits and recreational kits as per the UNICEF requirements from time to time.